Preferred Solution in Dataverse | Power Platform Admin Center

By default, everything goes inside a Default Solution if you are aware of the classic way of doing Customization in Dynamics 365 CRM. And this causes components to be lost in Default solution without knowing who created where and what was that.

Hence, to be able to collect all the components created outside of Solutions, Preferred Solution is a great way to automatically add components created outside Solution in a single solution to ensure accountability.

Let’s see how this works with help of this simple post!

Mark a Preferred Solution

Given you have appropriate rights like System Administrator or System Customizer, you can go to the Maker Portal (, and follow the steps below –

  1. In the Power Apps Maker Portal, when you navigate to Solutions – you’ll see a message saying ‘Set your preferred solution’ and on the right hand-side show that the Common Data Services Default Solution is already preferred [You’ll know this from Customizations option in classic UI].

    And on the top, you’ll see button to Set preferred solution.

  2. Now, when you select to set preferred solution, you’ll see all the unmanaged solutions you have.
    Select the one you want to mark as Preferred for anything not directly added to a solution.

  3. Then, you’ll see that Preferred Solution label has been applied for that Solution.

  4. Now, even if you add anything directly from other areas like Tables and add a field (for example), it’ll end up having the Prefix of the Solution itself.

  5. In this example, it’s add Field 2. The Prefix set for the Preferred Solution was “cf301

  6. And when you open the Preferred Solution itself, the component you created outside the solution will be added to the Preferred Solution automatically.

  7. This way, it’s easy to not lose any customization in Default Solution and makes it easy for all the components which were created outside of the solution to be gathered in place when you want to investigate your environment!

Hope this was useful!

Thank you!