Start your Copilot Studio Trial

Here’s how you can try out Copilot Studio for free first. Along with that, here’s the Copilot Studio Pricing –

Copilot Studio Trial

Here’s how you can start your own Copilot Studio Trial.

  1. Navigate to the Copilot Studio homepage –
    You’ll see this Homepage and you can see a button to Try free

  2. Then, just like any other Sign up process for Microsoft products, you can start by the entering the Email of the org which you want to provision this on.

  3. Once you click Next, you’ll be asked to Sign In once everything looks good to be provisioned.

  4. Once you Sign In, you’ll be asked for Region and Phone.

  5. Once you click on Get Started, you’ll be asked for final confirmation and then it’ll start provisioning.

  6. Once you click on Get Started, it’ll take a few minutes to get provisioned.
    Then, you’ll finally see Copilot Studio show up. Select your region and Get Started.

  7. Finally, switch to the right environment which you wish to work on.
    It’ll start with a Welcome Wizard and you are ready to go and start your Copilot Journey!

    And this is where you can start exploring within the Copilot Studio!

Hope this was useful!

Thank you!

Lock fields on Editable Grid using JavaScript in Dynamics 365 CRM

At times, you use Editable Grid and by default – all the fields which are editable by the system are exposed and can be edited if they are present on the Editable Sub-grid. You might not want to allow all fields to be editable on the Editable Grid – so here’s how you can lock selected fields on the Editable Grid using JavaScript.

Use Case

Let’s look at the below example where by default, the fields are Editable because you are using an Editable Grid –

  1. You might want to lock the Status field since it shouldn’t be something end user should be able to change by themselves.

  2. So in such scenarios, you might want to keep most fields open but lock some of them on the Editable Grid itself. Let’s see how we can do it using JavaScript

JavaScript Code

Here’s a sample code which you can use to loop through all the fields you want to lock on the Editable Grid –

  1. Code within a class – [You can just use the lockFields function separately too.]

    oSubscriptionCustomization = {

    lockFields: function (executionContext) {
    var oFormContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    if (oFormContext) {
    var arrFields = ["cft301_status"];
    var objEntity =;
    objEntity.attributes.forEach(function (attribute, i) {
    if (arrFields.indexOf(attribute.getName()) > -1) {
    let attributeToDisable = attribute.controls.get(0);

  2. In the above code, I’m reading from an array called arrFields and all the fields listed in the array will be looped through and locked.
  3. Once my JS file is ready, I can open the Editable Grid control itself on the parent form and then loop for Events tab to register my function on the grid.

  4. In the Event tab, look for the UI Event called as OnRecordSelect

  5. Here, you can register your function. Since, I’m using class too – I’ll use classname.functionName

  6. Once done, save and publish your changes. Now, you’ll see that the field is locked when you select the record on the Editable Grid.

Hope this was useful!

Thank you!