Dynamics 365 Storage Utilization | Dataverse Storage | Power Platform Admin Center

If you are new to using Dynamics 365 and if you are looking to check how much storage is being utilized in Dynamics 365, here’s how you can check it –

Power Platform Admin Center

Here’s how you check the storage utilization of your Dynamics 365 / Dataverse instances in your tenant –

  1. Provided you have the right access, navigate to the Power Platform Admin Center (https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments)
    Now, expand the Resources section which would be collapsed as pointed in the screenshot below.

  2. Under Resources, you’ll find Capacity section under the same.

  3. When in Capacity, you’ll see Dataverse section. Although, you’ll still find the summary but not in detailed numbers.

  4. In Dataverse section, you’ll see the list of you Dataverse / Dynamics 365 CRM instances listed and having a summary of their current storage utilization. You can click on the graph icon to further drill down into the details.

  5. Let’s say – I’m into CFT158 environment, so – I’ll see all the details of that environment.
    Also, notice the hamburger menu on the top left.

  6. Clicking on the hamburger menu, you’ll see some options which you can use to view/get this data.
    One important one is to get the details of all the tables (Since only top 10 tables are listed in the view you see)

  7. Let’s say you clicked on Downloaded all tables as shown in the screenshot above, a CSV file will be exported on your system and will contain all the tables’ storage utilization and not just top 10 tables.

  8. Also, here’s a Microsoft Docs link on detailed explanation of how you can utilize the Storage details – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/power-platform/admin/legacy-capacity-storage#environment-capacity-analytics?WT.mc_id=DX-MVP-5003911

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Thank you!!

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