Exchange Online Mailbox License Error | Exception Missing Exchange License

In case you are setting up your M365 and setting up Exchange Online in the process, your Email URL is:

But, you see the below error which reads as

err: Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa2.Server.Core.OwaUserHasNoMailboxAndNoLicenseAssignedException

No License Exception

Here’s why you see the Exception.

  1. If you open the User record in the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal, you’ll see that Microsoft Exchange Service is not seen in the list of Services.

  2. Now, let’s procure a trial for Exchange Online or any of the E3 / E5 plans which you plan to purchase based on your requirements. They have Exchange Online services available which will enable your Exchange Online mailbox.
    In this example, I’ll start a trial because I don’t want to buy for Enterprise purposes for the sake of this example.

  3. Now, once I started this trail. And if you see the comparison chart above, you could even opt for other licenses that offer Exchange Online – say, Office 365 E3
    Now, I can see that this license is available for me to assign to the user.

  4. And when I select the above license, I will see the Service available in the list as well.

  5. Save your licensing changes / preferences and let 5-10 mins pass for the services to be applied to the User.
    And once you reload/refresh the Outlook web app, your mailbox will be available or retained (if it was expired on an existing license.)

Hope this helps!

Office 365 Outlook connector in Cloud Flows showing Invalid Connection error | Power Automate

Office 365 Outlook connector is one of the most required connectors for Cloud Flows since it involves Exchange Online / Outlook services.

At times, all the Connection References work fine elsewhere but in causes issues with Office 365 Outlook and shows error which says ‘Connection not found. Please create a new connection and change your application to use the new connection‘ even when you were able to authentication successfully with/without MFA being enabled.

What could be wrong? See below.

Error for Office 365 Outlook

In Power Automate / Cloud Flow, if you may face this error especially in the Office 365 Outlook connector and using Actions for the same.

  1. For example, I want to use Send Email (V2) Action from the Office 365 Outlook connector, but I see the below error.

  2. If you check for the Connection Reference it is using, even though the credentials are correct and you’ve correctly re-authenticated it several times, it shows as an Invalid Connection


Here’s why this issue occurred –

  1. Go to the User who you are using as a Connection Reference in your Cloud Flow. Look if a Mailbox exists for the user.

  2. Now, assign the User a license which will create a Mailbox / re-assign a license which has Mailbox/Exchange Online service present in it.

    Here’s Microsoft Documentation on which all licenses provide Exchange Online which must be assigned to a User:
    In my example: I use E3, so I’ll assign the same. Depending on your scenario, you must assign a license which has Exchange Online plan on it

  3. Check for Exchange Online service and it should be enabled/selected.

  4. Once a license is assigned, it takes a few minutes for provisioning to complete.

  5. Now, if you try to correct the Invalid connection, it will be accepted and you’ll see this

Hope this helps!

Here are some more Power Automate / Cloud Flows posts you might want to check –

  1. Formatting Approvals’ Details in Cloud Flows | Power Automate
  2. Visualize Adaptive Card for Teams user action within a Cloud Flow | Experimental Feature
  3. FormatDateTime function in a Flow | Power Automate
  4. Send a Power App Push Notification using Flow to open a record in Canvas App | Power Automate
  5. Trigger Conditions not working in a Cloud Flow? Here’s Why | Power Automate Quick Tip
  6. InvalidWorkflowTriggerName or InvalidWorkflowRunActionName error in saving Cloud Flows | Power Automate Quick Tip
  7. Parallel Branching in Cloud Flows – Isolate Response dependent Step Actions in parallel branches | Quick Tip
  8. Read OptionSet Labels from CDS/Dataverse Triggers or Action Steps in a Flow | Power Automate
  9. Setting Lookup in a Flow CDS Connector: Classic vs. Current Environment connector | Power Automate Quick Tip
  10. Make On-Demand Flow to show up in Dynamics 365 | Power Automate

Thank you!!

Create a support Queue in Dynamics 365 CRM

I thought I should share my best practice of creating a quick Support Queue purely to receive Emails in Dynamics 365.

In my example below, the support email address is a User in Office 365 assigned any license that has Exchange Online service present. My example user needn’t have a Dynamics license for purely for the purpose of a Queue. Your application may vary.

Let’s take a look!

Support Queue Email

Now, typically a Support Queue’s Email is purely to track support requests raised over the email address provided. Typically, support@emailaddress.

  1. To start off, I’ll create a user in Office 365 called Support Queue and the login address I choose is and assign only the license which is needed for the Queue i.e. any license having Exchange Online service in it, (E5 in my case) you may chose any other.
  2. Then, I make sure my Mailbox is created in a few minutes post assigning the licence and then I’m good to go once I setup the Timezone and Language on the mailbox.


Create a Queue in D365 CE

  1. In D365 CE, directly head-over to create a Queue in D365. Assuming you are a System Admin, head over to Settings > Service Management and go to Queues. And then create a new Queue.


  2. Enter the details as below, remember to keep the email address the same as the Exchange Email address for this user and click Save.
  3. Once you click Save, the Mailbox will be automatically created.
    That’s it. Now, let’s head towards enabling the mailbox for Server Side Sync.

Enable Server Side Sync on the Support Mailbox

To enable Mailbox, the Email address needs to be Approved by the Global Administrator of O365. [Your org could even be set to not requiring any Approval prior to enabling synchronization, you may need to ask you Admin for the same]. But assuming it’s required – approveEmail

Note that Incoming Email and Outgoing Email above is set to Server-side Synchronization or Email Router. [Incoming enabled is a must to receive emails in the system]. Click OK.

Once this is confirmed, see in the next step – the warning message disappears which is shown previously and you can now Test & Enable Mailbox for Server Side Sync. Now, click on Test & Enable Mailbox

Make sure that if you have multiple environments and you want to sync with only the current environment, check the option as below and then confirm.

Now, once the test is completed, you’ll be able to see the Success in the Active Mailboxes


Testing the Queue

Now, the Queue is ready to receive emails already. If you take look at the Queue, the test emails must have already come in by now.

Now, let’s say that a user has submitted an email to [Your support email here 🙂 ], it will appear in the Queue as below

And then you can continue to build your Queue use cases as per your requirements.

Hope this helps!